List of Publications
Beeskow-Strauch, B., Schicks, J., Zimmer, M. (2015): Evaluation of CH4 Gas Permeation Rates through Silicone Membranes and Its Possible Use as CH4-Extractor in Gas Hydrate Deposits, in: Energies, 8 (6), pp. 5090-5106, DOI: 10.3390/en8065090.
Chauhan, S. et al. (2016): Phase segmentation of X-ray computer tomography rock images using machine learning techniques: an accuracy and performance study, in: Solid Earth, 7, pp. 1125 – 1139, DOI: 10.5194/se-7-1125-2016.
Gupta S., Wohlmuth B.I., Helmig. R. (2016): Multi-rate time stepping schemes for hydro-geomechanical model for subsurface methane hydrate reservoirs, in: Advances in Water Resources, 91, pp. 78-87, DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2016.013.
Haeckel, M., Bialas, J., Klaucke, I., Wallmann, K., Bohrmann, G. und Schwalenberg, K. and SUGAR participants (2015): Gas hydrate occurrences in the Black Sea – new observations from the German SUGAR project, in: Fire in the Ice: Methane Hydrate Newsletter, 15 (2). pp. 6-9.
Heeschen, K. U., Schicks, J. M., Oeltzschner, G. (2016): The promoting effect of natural sand on methane hydrate formation: grain sizes and mineral composition, in: Fuel, 181, pp. 139-147, DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2016.04.017.
Heeschen, K.U., Abendroth, S., Priegnitz, M., Spangenberg, E., Thaler, J., Schicks, J.M. (2016): Gas production from methane hydrate: a laboratory simulation of the multistage depressurization test in Mallik, NWT, Canada, in: Energy Fuels, 30 (8), pp. 6210–6219, DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.6b00297.
Heeschen, K. U., Spangenberg, E., Seyberth, K., Priegnitz, M., Schicks, J. (2016): An experimental challenge: Unraveling the dependencies of ultrasonic and electrical properties of sandy sediments with pore-filling gas hydrates, in: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 18, EGU2016-11958, General Assembly European Geosciences Union, April 2016 (Vienna).
Hölz, S., Swidinsky, A., Sommer, M., Jegen, M. und Bialas, J. (2015) The Use of Rotational Invariants for the Interpretation of Marine CSEM Data with a Case Study from the North Alex Mud Volcano, in: West Nile Delta Geophysical Journal International, 201 (1). pp. 224-245. DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggv015.
Kome, M., Amro, M. (2017): Turbulence Effects during Transient and Boundary-Dominated Flow in Reservoirs with Storage and Skin Damage with Applicability in Gas Hydrate Reservoirs: Class 1&2 and Normally Pressured Class 3, Bahrain, SPE, DOI:
Kome, M., Amro, M. (2016): Water Influx Predictions in Reservoirs with Aquifer Drive using the Two-Phase Reservoir Integral Type Pseudo-Pressure with Applicability in Gas Hydrate Reservoirs, AAPG/SPE Africa Energy and Technology Conference.
Kome, M., Amro, M. (2017): Transient and Boundary Dominated Partial Penetration Skin Effects with Turbulent Flow in Vertical Wells of Reservoirs with Near Wellbore Damage produced at Constant Rate and Constant Pressure Conditions, SPE Latin America and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, DOI:
Kriwat, O. (2016): Automatische Erkennung von Objekten in der Wassersäule, in: Hydrographische Nachrichten (HN), 104, pp. 20-24.
Piñero, E., Hensen, C., Haeckel, M., Rottke, W., Fuchs, T. and Wallmann, K. (2016): 3-D numerical modelling of methane hydrate accumulations using PetroMod, in: Marine and Petroleum Geology, 71, pp. 288-295. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2015.12.019.
Salamatin, A. N., Falenty, A., Hansen, T. C., Kuhs, W. F. (2015): Guest migration revealed in CO2 clathrate hydrates, in: Energy Fuels, 29 (9), pp. 5681-5691, DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.5b01217.
Schäfer, M., Zwanzig, C. (2016): Multibeam echo sounders for naval applications, in: Hydrographische Nachrichten (HN), 103, pp. 22-25.
Sell, K., Saenger, E. H., Falenty, A., Chaouachi, M., Haberthür, D., Enzmann, F., Kuhs, W. F., Kersten, M. (2016): On the path to digital rock physics of gas hydrate bearing sediments – processing of in-situ synchrotron-tomography data, in: Solid Earth Discuss, doi:10.5194/se-2016-54.
Swidinsky, A., Hölz, S. und Jegen, M. (2015): Rapid resistivity imaging for marine CSEM surveys with two transmitter polarizations: An application to the North Alex mud volcano, in: Geophysics, 80 (2), pp. E97-E110. DOI: 10.1190/GEO2014-0015.1.
Yang, L., Falenty, A., Chaouachi, M., Haberthür, D., Kuhs, W. F. (2016): Synchrotron X-ray computed microtomography study on gas hydrate decomposition in a sedimentary matrix, in: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 17 (9), pp. 3717–3732, DOI: 10.1002/2016GC006521.
Zander, T., Haeckel, M., Berndt, C., Chi, W. C., Klaucke, I., Bialas, J., Klaeschen, D., Koch, S., Atgin, O. (2017): On the origin of multiple BSRs in the Danube deep-sea fan, Black Sea Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 462, pp. 15-25, DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2017.01.006.